
Adobe AIR native extension

Google Plus AIR Native Extension

The extension is available here: com.distriqt.GooglePlus


Setup your Google Project

1. Google Developers Console project
2. Android Certificate Fingerprint
3. Google Identity Options

Setup the Extension

1. Add the Extension
2. Initialise


1. Setup
2. Signing In/Out
3. Disconnect
4. Sharing a Post

External Links

- ASDocs

Sharing a Post

The Share dialog provides a means for users to share rich content from your app into the Google+ stream, including text, image, and URLs.

GooglePlus.service.addEventListener( GooglePlusShareEvent.SHARE_SUCCESS,   share_successHandler );
GooglePlus.service.addEventListener( GooglePlusShareEvent.SHARE_CANCELLED, share_cancelledHandler );
GooglePlus.service.addEventListener( GooglePlusShareEvent.SHARE_FAILED,    share_failedHandler );

// Create the post and set the prefilled information
var post:Post = new Post();
post.text 	= "This was posted using the GooglePlus #ANE";
post.url 	= "";

GooglePlus.service.share( post );
private function share_successHandler( event:GooglePlusShareEvent ):void
	trace( "Post shared successfully" );

private function share_cancelledHandler( event:GooglePlusShareEvent ):void
	trace( "Post sharing was cancelled by the user" );

private function share_failedHandler( event:GooglePlusShareEvent ):void
	trace( "Post sharing failed" );